Nancy from Blogging Near Philadelphia shared this photo
of BUILD A BARN's Seasonal Sampler
at the recent AQS Lancaster show.
Thank you, Nancy!
Wendy from The Constant Quilter
also shared photos of The Seasonal Sampler
from the Lancaster show in a recent blog post.
Here is Wendy's photo of the name tag
that travels with the quilt.
Thank you, Wendy!
* * *
Two of this year's AQS shows have come and gone
but there are still four more shows on the 2017 calendar:
Apr. 26 – 29 will be Spring Paducah, KY
Aug. 16 – 19 will be the show at Grand Rapids, MI
Sep. 13 – 16 will be Fall Paducah, KY
Oct. 4 – 7 will be Des Moines, IA
If you go to any of these shows and see
The Seasonal Sampler in the Authors' Exhibit,
please take a photo (serious or silly) and email it to me.