Wednesday, August 17, 2016

News for Chattanooga and Des Moines Exhibits

Barn + Quilts = WOW

The Secret Society of Barn Builders is 
an international group of quilters 
who created original free pieced barns 
as part of the testing process for 
Julie Sefton's amazing book, Build-A-Barn. 

Don't miss this amazing exhibit.

(from the AQS On Point Newsletter)

* * *

AQS Chattanooga (September 14-17, 2016)


AQS Des Moines (October 5-8, 2016)

CLICK HERE for more information


  1. I'm SEW sad that I have a prior commitment. Otherwise, I would be on my way to Chattanooga!!

  2. Great news about these two exhibitions - congratulations!


Thank you so much for taking time to share your thoughts!