Chris (the mom) with her daughter's copy of Build a Barn |
visited her mom (also named Chris) last week,
Chris (the daughter) took along her copy of Build a Barn.
Chris (the mom) was thrilled
and asked if she could keep the book
in order to read "all of it."
(It is important to know that Chris (the mom) is also a quilt maker
who has been making beautiful quilts for many years)
The very next day I had a phone call
from Chris (the mom ) --
The excitement in her voice
gave me goosebumps of happiness.
She told me loved the book.
She laughed and shared that she stayed up late
to read "every single word"
including the publication information
and the photo captions.
But wait . . . here's the best part.
She was hunting for a sketch book
because she's been saving photos of barns
from her hometown newspaper for years
and she wanted to start sketching ideas
for her very own barn project.
She's also been stashing fabrics for years
in order to translate a favorite Southern scene
into a quilt top - and now she knows how she can do it!
* * *
Thank you to both Chris (the daughter) and Chris (the mom)
for taking time to share their experience with the book --
and for letting me share it with all of you.