Aging barn wood structure north of Memphis, Tennessee |
roster of SSOBB Charter Members
that includes links to each of their blogs.
* * *
The SSOBB created sixteen fantastic quilts
for the gallery of Build-a-Barn.
(formerly known as The Free Pieced Barn Project)
Due to space restrictions,
the book's gallery will not be printed
between the book's covers.
Instead the gallery quilts and their stories
will be featured here on this blog
as soon as the book has been released.
* * *
The sixteen quilts will also be featured
in at least three public exhibitions during 2016
(details pending)
at least two international online/print publications
(details pending)
and in the weekly blog hop posts written by the SSOBB.
(details pending - April through July time frame)
* * *
Only 36 days left on the countdown calendar!